Friday, March 27, 2015

Pilot screening questioned after Germanwings Flight 9525 crash

Two Ruk Info - Revelations from French prosecutors that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed Germanwings Flight 9525 have air travelers round the world speculative, and worrying, regarding the crew in their cockpit.

A file photo of the man believed to be Andreas Guenter Lubit, who was the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525In the U.S., business pilots square measure screened and evaluated before being employed. On the job, they bear medical exams each six months for pilots forty or older and each year for those that square measure younger.

But deciding a pilot's mental and spirit is troublesome. Dr. port of entry Miller may be a selected aviation health worker. He says pilots need to self-report if they are having feelings of depression.

"They're de jure needed to disclose those things beneath penalty of jail and fine, if you fail to try and do therefore," Miller says. "But, of course, folks will lie."

To prevent suicide by plane or hijackings, once Sep eleventh U.S. airlines bolstered cockpit doors and further new protocols.

When a pilot exits the cockpit, a tender or relief pilot should replace him, in order that the opposite crewman isn't alone. Before the Germanwings crash, Europe failed to have constant tips.

According to the Aviation Safety Network, worldwide there are a minimum of 9 pilot suicides since one976 and over 1,000 hijackings by pilots since 1931.

All 217 passengers and crew died once Egypt Air Flight 990 crashed off the coast of island in 1999. U.S. investigators believe the co-pilot was answerable.

"We have thousands and thousands and thousands of flights and thousands of pilots, therefore it is not sudden that a couple of folks square measure attending to have emotional issues or psychological issues," university academic of astronautics John Hansman says. "So we've to possess systems that square measure sturdy for that."

Changes within the aviation business typically take years. however among hours of the Germanwings speech act weekday, some European and every one Canadian airlines created it obligatory for 2 folks to be within the cockpit the least bit times.

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